Over the last several months, individuals who are interested in harnessing the power of Indymedia to produce inspiring, informative media, have come together to work on a number of international Indymedia projects, such as the features in the center column of the www.indymedia.org web site as well as international print, audio and video productions. You will find information about how to get involved in these projects below.
Recently global Indymedia has begun to have international biweekly meetings on the irc.indymedia.org IRC server, channel "#communication". Each local IMC is strongly encouraged to have a liaison attend the global meetings. These meetings will be a place for liaisons from local IMCs to discuss their local IMC's reaction to proposals (found on the imc-proposals@indymedia.org list) and issues that effect the global Indymedia network. Decisions about indymedia policy will happen on the local level, in local IMCs, and the local IMCs will send their liaison to the global meeting to let everyone else know what they've decided. For information about how to be involved in the meetings, contact imc-communication@indymedia.org.
On an ongoing basis, other than making an effort to visit people at local IMCs when you travel, and/or trying to get to any regional independent media gatherings or events an IMC is covering, the best way to get involved with global Indymedia organizing is to participate in the global Indy e-mail lists. Some local IMCs are making an effort to have at least one member on each list. Below is a description of the global Indymedia lists. All of the lists would LOVE to have representation and involvement from all local IMCs.
This list is for proposals ONLY. Only proposals
that working groups (i.e. the people working on each of the Indymedia mailing
lists) have made with the intent of being brought back to local IMCs for
feedback will appear on this list. Each local IMC should have someone on
this list, and when a proposal appears s/he should raise the issue in his/her
local IMC. We are moving toward developing a place for focused discussion
of these proposal, and to creating a decision-making process for how to
put these discussions into action.
imc-process@indymedia.org People have used imc-process as a place to discuss the organizational structure of Indymedia. Lately people on imc-process have been focusing on the approval of new applications for local IMC sites and what 'being an IMC' entails. People are also posting process documents and having process discussions on the web at global.indymedia.org.au.
People on imc-editorial have been working on issues
such as the editorial policy for the www.indymedia.org
news wire, and on broader issues related to how to present the content
on the www.indy site.
The purpose of this list is to develop better communication
between the local IMCs and to initiate a global Indymedia communication
structure. The people on this list have been coordinating the global Indymedia
IRC meetings that have started to occur, and will continue biweekly.
This is the list for people who are working on
general indymedia technical issues and programming concerns. There is also
a list for people working on the web code that underlies the indymedia
sites at webcoders@cat.org.au.
A global print team is developing through this
list to work on network-wide print projects such as the PDF project (discussed
below) and, potentially, a regular global Indymedia print publication.
This group coordinates the way the www.Indymedia
site looks (fonts, type, colors, etc.)
This list is an organizing group for the Indymedia
translation team. People on this list are developing the system by which
translation team volunteers will translate things like Indymedia process
documents and www.indy center column features.
This is a list for people who are coordinating
the features that appear on the center column of the www.indymedia.org
page. Anyone can suggest a feature to this working group by e-mailing the
suggestion to the list.
The purpose of this list isn't exactly clear, but
people have been using it as a place to discuss general issues that effect
the whole network, such as what to do with donations and what kind of general
ideas people have for the future of Indymedia.
People on this list are working to coordinate the
creation and management of the indymedia e-mail lists.
This list is for discussion of issues surrounding
the variety of questions people send to the general@indymedia.org e-mail
box. The people on this list are using the helpdesk.indymedia.org
system to answer those varied requests.
Post interesting photos from your local IMC that
you think have international relevance to the www.indymedia.org newswire.
In the future, when the PDF project is active, you may also suggest your
best photos to the imc-print@indymedia.org
list for inclusion.
The IMC radio team is working with the National
Radio Project (www.radioproject.org)
to produce a weekly five minute news headlines report as part of their
Livewire news month-long pilot project (throughout February) which perhaps
will become a regular production. To become part of the radio headlines
project e-mail radio-headlines@indymedia.org.
An Indymedia network-wide video production is in
the works, to be broadcast regularly on the Free Speech TV (www.freespeech.org)
U.S. satellite channel (DISH Network, 9415) and in local screenings around
the world. The project is planning to debut in March or April. Local IMCs
that produce video segments regularly should contact contact Rachel rarinald@midway.uchicago.edu,
Robert rjwyrod@midway.uchicago.edu
and/or Eric programming2@fstv.org to
get involved.
Messages from Indymedia Prague
Prague Legal Update 24.10.00
A sixteen year old Austrian boy was granted amnesty by President
Havel, and released today. He was one of the 6 confrimed prisoners still
in jail after 11 prisoners were released last Thursday. According the Prague
Legal Support Team, of known cases of the five prisoners still in jail,
the only evidence prosecutors have is police testimony.
[read more]
Czech Ministry of Interior Investigates "Foreign Media"
Czech Minister of Interior Stanislav Gross, as well as Czech Prime
Minister, Milos Zeman, have cited a police investigation into an unnamed
foreign media agency with clear characteristics of the Prague Independent
Media Center. Gross claims that the agency has directly intended to denounce
the Czech Republic and the Czech police, while Zeman alleges that the well
funded organization may have meddled with police communication devices.
[read more]
From Melbourne to Prague: the Struggle for a Deglobalized World
by Walden Bello
We are, here in Melbourne in the next few days and in Prague in
two weeks' time, participating in an historic enterprise: that of creating
a critical mass to turn the tide against corporate-driven globalization.
For years, we were told that globalization was benign, that it was
a process that brought about the greatest good for the greatest number,
that good citizenship lay in accepting the impersonal rule of the market
and good governance meant governments getting out of the way of market
forces and letting the most effective incarnation of market freedom, the
transnational corporation, go about its task of bringing about the most
efficient mix of capital, land, technology and labor.
[read more]